About Us

Welcome to Connect2Play Sports - Your #1 social networking platform for sports and fitness enthusiasts!

The Story

Connect2Play Sports is proud to be the social sports network and a Minnesota grown start-up. The idea for Connect2Play Sports came to me on a warm summer day before a kickball game that started at 6 pm. We were short two players and had another stuck in rush hour traffic. I jokingly said to another teammate, "I wish we could just order up a few subs like you would do if you were placing an online pizza order." And here the idea for Connect2Play Sports was born!

The Mission

Here at Connect2Play Sports, we understand people's desire to try different kinds of sports without commitments and the ability to play these on their own schedule. This is the main reason why we founded Connect2Play Sports. Our team’s mission is to help sporting enthusiasts become connected to each other, teams and leagues while enjoying their favorite activities.

Our Goal

Our website is a tool for all users, regardless of gender, age and fitness level. Our goal is to get people together, get moving and experiencing what their community has to offer. Connect2Play Sports offers instant access to sporting events and fitness activities going on at this very moment. And by having the widest variety of these events and activities available to our users, they have the opportunity to sub on sports teams in need and create pick-up games. Complete your team, stay active and meet new people with Connect2Play Sports. The future of recreational and intramural sports and fitness is here.

Meet the Owners

The owners
Sarah and Tyson enjoying the outdoors. We brought our passion for being active and our experiences as coaches to make this website. We wanted it to be a tool where anyone, regardless of gender, age and ability can get together, get moving and make new friends.

How It works

You can consider our platform as a social network and a sport’s group locating tool at the same time. Once you sign up, you can find a sporting group, a team that needs players, or create your own pickup game within your area with a few clicks. Just select the sports and fitness activities you are interested in, the location of the event you want to play, and any other parameters (such as level of play and time of event). Connect2Play Sports covers a diverse list of sports. Everything from archery, basketball, football, broomball, kayaking, canoeing, darts, canyoneering, cycling, curling, dodgeball, paintball, pickleball, bowling, lawn game, weight lifting, hockey, tennis, yahtzee, yoga, to even casual walking.


Another positive trait of our sports social network is our special Coach's Corner. In this corner, you can communicate with a coach or trainer. By doing so, you can learn about interesting techniques and strategies that will boost your sporting prowess.

Future Services

Being part of the Connect2Play Sports community requires no payment on your part. It’s totally FREE! We are not like other communities that offer paywalls and subscription methods for services. When we launch products and partnerships in the future, we want our players, teams and leagues to benefit from these services. We are also open for social media giveaways, sponsorships, and special promos. If you want to know more about these promos, feel free to call +1-763-221-2314 or email at contact@connect2playsports.com.

Do not hesitate to find the best sports group online. Connect 2 Play Sports will help you get started!

This website is a combination of today's technology teaming up with yesterday's old school neighborhood shoutouts. It is dedicated to a time when we got out of the house to get to know the people around us and be active.

Additional contributions to this website were made by Design U.


For the latest news, updates and announcements from Connect2Play Sports, follow us on our social media accounts.